Tuesday, 19 September 2017

10 Timeless Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

10 Timeless Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

If you are in business for someone else or for yourself you need to keep your mind sharp.
Part of this process is reading inspirational and entrepreneurial books on a regular basis.
More so for 'work from home' business people who, like me, can be guilty of finding it hard to stay focussed sometimes. So, many distractions!
Reading a certain type of book can really help with a wide range of skills including:
  • Success Mindset - Talk to any ultra successful person and they will tell you that it is largely down to mindset.
  • Being more productive - This is a biggie especially when working from home as you need to keep a handle on your productivity levels.
  • Selling skills - Ultimately every businessman is a salesman. Whether its actually selling products, or selling an idea to your staff, it all comes down to sales.
  • Marketing effectively - You can have the best product in the world but if you do not know how to market it to the world, you may as well have nothing.
  • Being a face on camera - In these days of social media with Live streaming and YouTube, if you are too scared to get on camera, then you are missing a huge trick.
By the way, in case you were wondering, these skills are not just for business owners. Anyone with a job can utilise these skills.
So, to the list of books. These are in my opinion the best, most timeless (or will be) books that every would be entrepreneur should read. Click the blue links to find out more about each individual book.
1. The Magic of Thinking Big - David Schwartz : The title gives it away. Ever heard the saying, think big or go home!
2. The 10x Rule - Grant Cardone : This book isn't number 1908 in all the books on Amazon for nothing! Grant calls this the difference between success and failure
3. Dotcom Secrets - Russell Brunson : 

4. Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins : Tony is world famous and due to his own inspiring story believes that everyone has huge potential locked up inside them. You just need to know how to release it.
5. The Quick and Easy Way to Public Speaking - Dale Carnegie : A list like this is never complete without a book by Dale Carnegie and this one is one of his best. If you are into public speaking this is a must read.
6. The Art of War - Sun Tzu : This book is not very well titled IMHO as it encompasses so much. This was compiled over 2000 years ago so wins the title for the oldest book on this list! It was taken from a battle perspective but has been used down the years to give insight into how to win conflict. "Know yourself, and you will win all battles"
7. The Motivation Manifesto - Brendon Burchard : In my opinion this is one of the most amazing books I have ever read. The very first paragraph is awesome. Here it is, take some time to think about the words:
"There comes a time in the lives of those destined for greatness when we must stand before the mirror of meaning and ask: Why, having been endowed with the courageous heart of a lion, do we live as mice?"
8. Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill : One of the most famous books of all time and also one of my personal favs. Written in the early part of the 1900's, Napoleon interviewed 500 of the worlds most successful people and analysed what common traits they had, that attributed to their success. This is a must-read
9. Sam Walton, Made in America : The Walmart founder wrote this book as he believed that the best information a business owner can get about business is from his staff at grass roots level. If only every boss would do this!
10. The Psychology of Selling - Brian Tracy : This book is highly revered amongst people who sell for a living. In Brian's words, "Selling is more than just strategy and politics - it's the practical application of psychology!"
So there you have it! An awesome list if ever there was one. I read recently about the top 25 most stress free jobs. From audiologist, to bio chemist and many more, they ALL had one thing in common. You needed a degree (usually Bachelors) having done at least 4 years in college. To then start at a salary of about $28000 a year.
Getting just some of the above list in your head will not only put you ahead of most people but also enable you to have the mindset to maybe be the master of your own destiny, by launching your own business.
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