Monday, 10 July 2017

Keeping it Stupidly Simple!

Keep it Simple Stupid
The main principles behind the Keep It Stupidly Simple System are speed and simplicity.   
Far too often in IM, people will create grand plans for their business… 

…Plans that include every single thing they have read and learnt.   
Plans that incorporate all the elements of every successful marketer they have come into contact with. 
On paper these plans look fantastic, but unfortunately the vast majority never get any further than the page. 
I know this for a fact because this is something I experienced time and time again when I was starting out; lots of good intention and effort and zero to show for it. 
The thing is the initial motivation and excitement that creates the grand plan doesn’t last that long for most of us.   
Before very long the ‘Doubt Gremlins’ poke their noses in.  They provide that inner dialogue that usually sounds something like: 
‘Who do you think you are, thinking you can make it online’ 
‘You’ve never done anything like this before, you’re bound to fail’ 
‘You’re tool old/young/fat/skinny (delete as applicable) to succeed’  
etc, etc.   
I’m sure you could add your own ‘Doubt Gremlins’ inner voice favourite! 

So the idea behind my KISS System is to strip things down to the bare minimum and use the blitzkrieg principle on your ‘Doubt Gremlins’  (blitzkrieg : meaning lightening war). 
Get something up and running before the ‘Doubt Gremlins’ have even pulled their undies on. 
Although the KISS System, in itself, is not going to make you rich, it WILL create momentum for you, which in turn creates motivation and it will also create the foundation from which you CAN create a significant online income. 
So in summary, as you read the current steps, DON’T try to create the prefect version or over think it, just follow the steps one at a time and get it done…quickly 
You are not looking for perfection, you are looking for results.   
Good enough will do and then use the learning points to improve later versions. 
The system itself takes for granted that you understand the importance of building a list of individuals who all have an interest in a particular niche or topic. 

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